Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flowers Are Musical Notes to Gods Melody

The beauty of flowers is everywhere you go.  Like music they spread joy and help us to heal.  Some speak louder than others like a sounding trumpet, while others speak softly like a distant violin.  It Doesn't matter how loud or faint they are heard as long as the heart can hear them they will spread happiness. Each  pedal plays out a note from a classical masterpiece.  They are the song writers of earths musical garden in which we live.  Look at the flowers as children do, hear them with your eyes and see with your hearing.  Find the flower that you keep inside and make them known.  
It's not hard to see why children are drawn to the vibrant colors of flowers.  Every flower has it's own meaning and  it's own sound.  Each one is different, not all the same as in every child, not all heard with the same voice.  Flowers play out a beautiful song when taken the time to listen.  There are symphonies playing in every garden, ask the children they know, they hear them, they remember their song.

If you click on this link you will see a video created with spring flowers, and a recent release of Mike Fisher's song  "A Quiet Ride Home". 

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